If you have a photo or video that features KKV or Kalihi that you’d like to share with us, tag us on social media or email us at Your photo or video just might be featured in next month’s newsletter!

Mama Inno and Pacific Voices Youth experience the ʻStoryboards of Palau: Artistry, Influence, Impactʻ exhibit at the East-West Center Gallery. Photo courtesy of Pacific Voices.

Lion Dancers from Auʻs Shaolin Arts ring in the Lunar New Year at Hoʻolulu ʻĀina. Photo by Kaʻōhua Lucas.

Kung hei fat choi! Gōng xǐ fā cái! Happy Lunar New Year! Photo by Kaʻōhua Lucas.

Regional Staff from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHH) & Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) were treated to a tour of Hoʻoulu ʻĀina during their trip to KKV. The Regional staff from US HHH, spent time learning more about how KKV serves and honors the community. Pictured from left to right: Michael Epp, Bonnie Preston (Executive Officer, US HHH), Kelsey White, Capt. Emily Williams (Regional Director SAMHSA), Dr. David Derauf, Dr. Jeffrey Reynoso (Regional Director US HHH), Merlita Compton, Puni Jackson, Megan Inada, Innocenta Sound-Kikku, and Carol Lau. Photo courtesy of @HRSARegion9.

The women of Seams Wonderful sold bags, dresses and other handmade pieces at their annual Holiday Sale. Photo courtesy of Seams Wonderful.

Fried ʻulu mochi! Rootsʻ own Dilyuns Michael shared a recipe with Honolulu Star Advertiser writer Lynette Lo Tom. You can make your own fried ʻulu mochi from home by following this easy recipe. Photos and videos courtesy of Honolulu Star Advertiser and Lawrence Tabudlo.

KVIBE youth traveled to Hilo, Hawaiʻi to visit with the young men of One Stop Center for Micronesian Youth. KVIBE interns, leaders, and staff lead and participated in a 2-day bike workshop which culminated with a fun Story Ride around Hilo. Mahalo to the Hawaiʻi Department of Health and Hawaiʻi Public Health Institute for sharing this experience with us! Photo courtesy of KVIBE.

Itʻs wheely flat! KVIBE teach youth from One Stop Center how to fix a flat during their 2-day trip to Hilo. Photo courtesy of KVIBE.

Tiny hands make light work! Keiki clean ʻōlena at Hoʻoulu ʻĀina. Photo by Kaʻōhua Lucas.