Our Accords


We need to heal ourselves as we heal our community—to love ourselves by whatever means necessary.

Right to Pass

Speak with intention and truth, and if you are not ready, you are ables to “pass” until it comes back to you. You have the right to pass but not a right to disengage.

No Rush - Be on Time

Be intentional with your time—Do not rush your thoughts and be respectful to community time.

No Capping

Not put downs, teasing or talking over people.

Step up; Step to the Side

If you tend to be more silent we need to hear your voice; if you tend to be more vocal we need to support other voices.

Try it On

Take a risk by trying it on—be open to an experience or activity.

Temporary Amnesty

To temporary forgive/suspend our “fight” with people in our community so we can hear/listen to each other.

Take your own inventory

Speak only from your own experience without demeaning others.


Having the confidence to speak without fear of your story being shared without permission.

Mutual Respect

“Re” to do and Spect “to see”. Respect means “to see” again and again our self and our community in order to see how we are constantly growing.